Well goodness its cold in Melbourne town at the moment...thankfully I have been enjoying the indoors with a lovely new laptop [sorry notebook] and enjoying bejewelled & farmville games on Facebook [but enough of my 80's gamer obsession for now] I found 3 sites which I want to share...
Firstly from the [ominous] news.com.au site - the Rogues gallery - there snapshots of criminals behaving like...common criminals...like our sample photo friend above...mother of the year no less...v.funny.
Next is blog featuring the polar opposite... you look marvelous is exactly that - images of pop art, ads and other incredible objects of beauty...always nice to cheers you up and remember life is also filled with glamour...if not just for a moment.
And finally and totally off the subject - as winter is the time for staying in and basically...eating...I found a very useful Turkey calculator for Andy when he was cooking one - it came in very handy this Xmas in July [ which made it the triumph it was].
I'll be back soon but the Love my way DVD is calling me back to bed....