Now having accquired the iphone very recently [as with every other poof in the park] everyone was a bit snap happy. And my photos were not the best. However a rather lovely young man called Oliver we all met was was taking pics of all and sundry. He managed to snap a very nice one of us [I'm on the end in the aqua/teal/insert affected colour here].
Well it turns out this young man is a photographer [in between his day job in our airways] and has a rather wonderful blog himself called FLY FROM NEARBY - as he states in the description - A photo blog of my first 365 days of being a non-smoker.I take a photo every day, of anything and anyone. He regularly updates the blog with new and very interesting snaps.
Each one is a snapshot of his life. Hard day in the office.
They are bizarre, interesting and rather wonderful pictures. These are just a sample.
Oliver is clearly inspired by his mates.
I love this - its like a marathon runner tossed it in when arriving at the beach.
And here is Oliver with the Satorialist no less. Patron & apprentice?